Our Vision

Vishwa envisions a world of universal oneness and profound inner peace. Our vision is to create a global community where the timeless wisdom of the Vedas guides individuals to channel their spiritual energy to manifest a new life.

Our Mission

Our mission at Vishwa is to disseminate the profound teachings of the 170+ year old Guru Lineage, empowering individuals to embark on a transformative journey and learn to heal themselves. Vishwa is committed to cultivating individuals who are spiritually awakened, environmentally aware and driven to create social change for a better tomorrow.

Our Values


Visionary Leadership

We are blessed to have exemplary leadership with divine vision for not just our community, but for the world at large. We are upholding this vision that inspires and guides our journey, in everything that we do.



Cultivating a culture that inspires generations and will continue to do so by enabling individuals to become guided by the Divine.


Spiritual Wisdom

Embracing the profound philosophy of the Guru Lineage as a guiding light.



Promoting harmony within and across the world by recognizing the oneness of all beings.



Prioritizing the well-being of individuals, physically, emotionally and spiritually.



Embracing our own unique identity and staying open to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives in our continuous journey of spiritual evolution.

Our Guiding Light

The Guru Tradition is a sacred lineage that passes down spiritual wisdom from master to disciple, fostering a profound connection to higher consciousness. Rooted in timeless teachings, it serves as a guiding light for seekers on the path of awakening.

- Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj

Considered the fourth Incarnation of Lord Dattatreya, he graced Akkalkot in 1856, imparting wisdom and guiding disciples toward inner peace and happiness through his profound teachings.

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- Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj

As the disciple of Swami Samarth Maharaj, Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj inspired by the teachings of the lineage, created a global vision and mission to heal humanity and reset the planet.

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- Dr. Purushottam

Paramsadguru’s grandson, Dr. Purushottam has dedicated his life to sharing spiritual knowledge, fostering a global community and enriching the lives of countless seekers worldwide.

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Our Timeline

Vishwa: Our Global Journey

The spiritual journey of Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj is marked by significant milestones, each shaping the course of his divine mission. From the arrival of Shree Swami Samartha in Akkalkot to the establishment of Shivpuri and beyond, the timeline unfolds a saga of spiritual revelation and transformative events.

1856 AD

Mahasamadhi Of Shree Swami Samartha

Shree Swami Samartha Arrives In Akkalkot After Completing A 300-Year Long Intense Meditation

1878 AD

Shree Swarni Samartha, Considered The Fourth Incarnation Of Lord Dattatreya, Arrives in Akkalkot, Laying The Foundation For The Guru Peetham.

1878 AD

Mahasamadhi Of Shree Swami Samartha

The physical departure of Shree Swami Samartha leaving behind a legacy and a divine mission.

1901 AD

Consecration Of Guru Mandir

The consecration of Guru Mandir by Balappa Maharaj, a pivotal moment in the establishment of the Guru Peetham.

1918 AD

Birth of Paramsad guru

The birth of Paramsadgura, marking the entry of a divine soul Into the mortal realm.

1922 AD

Bhagwati Sonamata Initiates The Chanting Of 'Hare Rama* Maha Mantra
A Transformative Event Where The Chanting Of The Sacred 'Hare Rama Maha Mantra is Initiated.

1926 AD

Arrival Of Paramsadguru In Guru Mandir

Paramsadguru's arrival in Guru Mandir at the age of 8, set the stage for his spiritual journey.

1938 AD

Mantra Diksha Is Given By An Invisible Guru

Paramsadguru receives Mantra Diksha from an invisible Guru at a young age of 20, a significant milestone in his spiritual initiation.

1938 AD

Paramsadguru Anointed As Peethadeesha Of Guru Mandir

Paramsadguru is anointed as the Peetnadeesha, taking charge of the activities of the Guru Peetham

1942 AD

Poornabhishek And Mantra Diksha By Lord Parshurampoornabhish ek And Mantra Diksha By Lord Parshuram

A divine moment where Paramsadguru receives Poornabhishek and Mantra Diksha directly from Lord Parshuram.

1944 AD

Paramsadguru Takes The Vow To Rejuvenate The Vedas

Paramsadguru solemnly vows to rejuvenate the Vedas, and the Sapta Shloki is revealed.

1953 AD

Birth Of Shree Shreekantil Maharaj

The birth of Paramsadguru's son, Shreekanti Maharaj further extended the divine lineage

1954 AD

Samachi 01 Swami Shivananda And Foundation O1 Shivpuri

The Samadhi of Paremsadeuru's father, Swami Shivananda, and the foundation of Shivpuri as a spiritual center

1969 AD

First Mahasomayaga At Shivpuri

The initiation of the first Mahasomayaga at Shivpuri was significant spiritual event.

1974 AD

First Agnihotra Started

The first Agnihotra practitioner initiated by Paramsadguru.

1978 AD

First International Center

The first Agnihotra International Centre was created in The United States of America.

1980 AD

Birth Of Dr. Purushottam

Paramsadguru's grandson is born, and lives his early life in Guru Mandir, surrounded by spiritual masters.

1982 AD

Agnihotra Centre in Europe

Agnihotra spreads through Europe and a Centre is established iin Germany.

1984 AD

Paramsadguru Moves His Residence To Shivpuri

Paramsadguru transitions his residence to Shivpuri, emphas zing its spiritual significance.

1987 AD

Mahanirvan Of Paramsadguru

The divine departune of Paramsadguru, leaves behind a legacy of spiritual wisdom.

2001 AD

Agnihotra In South-East Asia

An Agnihotra Centre is established in Malaysia.

2007 AD

Mahanirvan Of Shree Shreekantil

The divine departure of Shree Shreekantf Maharaj leaving behind a legacy of a global organisation.

2009 AD

Initiation Of Vishwa

Vishwa Foundation is created as an umbrella organisation covering a vast array of spiritual, social, medical, cultural and environmenta upliftment initiatives.

2012 AD

Initiation Of Mass Agnihotra And Manasomyag Events

Oreanisine Mass Agrihotra and Mahasomyag events across India to initiate a global spiritual awakening

2020 AD

Agnihotra Research

Vishwa receives three patents on the research conducted on Agnihotra and its implementation in various sectors.

2023 AD

Vishwa Is Future Ready!

Under the able stewardship of Dr. Purushottam, we are now a global organisation, with 500,000+ Agnihotra practitioners in 40+ countries, 300+ certified Agnihotra teachers and 17+ live Agnihotra implementations in various sectors like research, agriculture, education, healthcare, wellness. sustainability and conservation

Our Divine Journey


  • 40+ Countries
  • 10,000+ Children Provided Access to Quality Education
  • 10,00,000+ People Participated in Mass Agnihotra Events
  • 250+ Agnihotra Lifestyle Solutions
  • 500,000+ Agnihotra Performers Globally
  • 20,000,000+ Meals Served Through Vishwa Annadaan
  • 12,00,000+ Trees Planted
  • 3 International Patents on Agnihotra
  • 4 Agnihotra International Centres
  • 3,000+ Acres of Agnihotra Farms
  • 10,000+ People Healed with Agnihotra Wellness